Logo von Pressebüro SIS Stuttgart
kleines Foto von Frau Schneider-Flaig

Silke Schneider-Flaig
Buchautorin - Juristin - Fachzeitschriftenredakteurin

Kriegsbergstr. 28
D - 70174  Stuttgart

Fon: ++49(0)711 - 342 059 75
eMail: redaktion@pressebuero-sis.de

Informationen zum Journalistinnenbund

Logo des Journalistinnenbundes

The League of Women Journalists (Germany)

Founded in 1987, the League of Women Journalists (Journalistinnenbund), now has nearly 500 members throughout Germany. We are a professionally-based, multi-generational network for women working in the journalist sector.

